By Published On: March 22nd, 2023Categories: Bez kategorii0 Comments

Business photography Rzeszów

No matter how many portrait sessions we’ve done, each next one will be something new for us. It’s not just about the scenery, but mainly about the person we take such portrait photos. Because each of them is a different story, different experiences and emotions. Image photography is able to show the model’s personality in an artistic way. The pose, lighting and the background on which the photos are taken are important here. All this is to create a coherent whole.

Image session in the studio

This time, the photo session of image photos took place in an atmospheric studio, the effects of which can be seen not only in the photos, but also on backstage recordings. They show the role of the photographed model and the work of our photographer. It is he who finds an individual approach to the photographed person, helps to open up in front of the camera and express his inner self through this seemingly ordinary photo.

This image session resulted in elegant and atmospheric photos. Working in the studio allowed for a variety of backgrounds and a specific style. When the photos were ready, we retouched the portrait photo, which improved the condition of the photo.

Business photos

Our photo studio in Rzeszów takes professional business and profile photos that can be easily used for professional purposes. Our clients use them for the purposes of e-mail correspondence – e-mail footer, CV photos, creating personal brands, professional profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram), created presentations, publications, interviews, articles, messengers (Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber , Zoom, Discord, Twitter, others), websites.

Professional business photos, well framed, with very good resolution are not only a good business card but also an opportunity to present your professional position. We make them both in black and white and in color. If you are interested in a professional session in our photo studio in Rzeszów, please contact us.

Image photography Rzeszów

Backstage of the image session in the studio in Rzeszów

Price list for image photography:

Image session, which will result in 3 unique and unique image photos – PLN 300
Image session, which will result in 7 unique and unique image photos – PLN 600

Each additionally selected shot above the basic set, after thorough processing and retouching – PLN 75/piece

Please contact me via the contact form or by phone – +48 698 342 111< /p>

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