Holy Baptism photographer

Holy Baptism photographer2023-08-21T15:05:35+02:00

Photographer for the baptism of Rzeszów

Baptism photography is a way to preserve unique moments in family life. It is worth to capture such beautiful moments for eternity in beautiful photographs. I try to keep this important event in the life of your family in perfect form, adding a portion of portrait photos to commemorate it.

 Photos from the Holy Baptism

Capturing this event in the form of a report allows you to preserve these amazing relationships between the child and parents and interactions between loved ones. During the reportage, a good photographer always finds a moment for a portrait session of the loved ones with the child and commemorative group photos. And do you already have a good photographer for your child’s baptism?

Photographer for Baptism of Rzeszów

As ​​a photographer with many years of experience, I have a certificate issued by the Diocesan Curia in Rzeszów, authorizing me to photograph church ceremonies. Thanks to this, you can be sure that I will approach photographing the liturgy with due standards and in accordance with the applicable work rules.

If you are interested in baptism photos and need a good photographer for this ceremony, call our photo studio or write. We will check the availability of the date and take the best photos depending on the selected package from our offer.

fotograf na chrzest

Baptism photography offer


  • Reportaż obejmuje: zdjęcia z ceremonii w kościele, zdjęcie grupowe w kościele (jeśli jest taka możliwość), zdjęcia rodzinne w kościele ( dziecka z rodzicami, z rodzicami chrzestnymi i z dziadkami)
  • W pakiecie podstawowym oddaję ok. 40 zdjęć, poddanych obróbce graficznej i retuszowi, w wersji elektronicznej
  • Gotowe zdjęcia oddaję maksymalnie w ciągu trzech tygodni
  • Cena zawiera dojazd na obszarze do 20 km od centrum Rzeszowa, powyżej tej odległości dojazd doliczany jest standardowo po stawce 1zł/1km


  • The report includes: preparations at home, photos from the ceremony in the church, group photo in the church (if possible), family photos in the premises
  • The number of photos depends largely on the number of guests. In this variant, the number of retouched photos usually oscillates between 60-100 shots
  • The customer receives graphically processed photos in an electronic version for download
  • The price includes 30 minutes of preparation at home, the ceremony, travel and 2 hours of my presence in the premises
  • Ready photos are returned within a maximum of three weeks
  • The price includes transport in the area up to 20 km from the center of Rzeszów, over this distance the transport is added at the standard rate of PLN 1/1 km

Optional for each package you can choose a photo album in eco-leather or canvas 20x20cm / 10 spreads + PLN 290

Who do you work for?2023-03-27T13:33:14+02:00

At the wedding, usually until 01:00

Do you take photos outside of Poland?2023-03-27T13:31:22+02:00

I do photo sessions throughout Poland, Austria, Germany, Great Britain and Ireland. It’s all up to you :) But mostly it’s the Podkarpackie and Lesser Poland voivodeships.

How many photos will we receive?2023-03-27T13:29:39+02:00

Depending on the package :) I usually take about 3,000 shots (assuming about 2-4 double shots), of which I choose only unique photos for you, which are carefully processed. The average number of photos returned is between 330-380 – depending on the length of the open air and the number of attractions at the wedding – 2 sets of photos are always returned, one in full resolution in the sRGB profile (ready for printing) and the other adapted for WEB (ready for sending e-mail, posting on Facebook, Instagram, etc.).

When does the outdoor session take place?2023-03-27T13:23:21+02:00

If it’s on the same day, usually after the first dance, but it’s better to do the session on another day, we have more time, we don’t get nervous, there’s no stress or rush – which unfortunately can be seen in the pictures (no, I’m not nervous :) You :)) And we can implement more ideas, visit more locations and we are not limited by the weather, we only choose the one that suits us.

Ask for appointment

Links to photo galleries from several baptisms

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